Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Cartoons

What are the main visual elements?
What issue is this political cartoon about?
What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue?
What evidence in the cartoon leads you to believe that the author feels this way?
What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?

In the picture, there is one big man, small skinny man, and money. When I looked carefully, the big man is holding the skinny man tightly. The skinny man is the labor and when on the big man's chest, it says 'CAPITALISM'. Plus, the big man's foot is on the money. On the money bag, it says 'PROFITS FROM A CHILD LABOR'. I can see that the big man is trying to take the money away from the skinny labor. If you look at the picture closely, the big man is shaking the skinny man so that every money he earned comes out from the skinny man's body. In my opinion, on the money bag it says 'A CHILD LABOR,' so, the skinny man is the child and earned money by working. However, the big man is taking the money away from the child. (That's mean...) The author is trying to show us that the big man is taking money away from the child (the skinny man). Maybe the author can make that small things coming from the skinny man clearly that it is money, so people can see notice right away.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Roller Coaster / Factory Game Day 1 / Factory Game Day 2

Sorry, Mr. Coyle! I was absent for a week. I published the posts which I missed (because I was absent), but I'm not sure if it is right.

Mother of Necessity

"Necessity is the mother of invention" I think this phrase means that people can invent things what we need in life. Firstly, it would be difficult to live without computers. For example, we connect (contact) each other through e-mail; however, if there weren't computers we had to write letters which will take a long time. We could live easier because of Charles Garbadge who was the first inventor of computers. Secondly, planes. When we go to other countries, we need planes, invented by the Wright Brothers. Now we could go to other countries easily and safely. Thirdly, Thomas Edison who invented the light bulbs. If there was no light, we could have to use candles. (Oh no!)

How do you learn best?

In my opinion, I think I learn the best way by playing games, watching videos, and reading. Last time we had a game which was really fun. It was a good experiment. To experience something, I thing the best way is to play games. Watching videos were the best way to learn because I could see how people lived, what happened, etc... (for the Industrial Revolution). I like to watch videos so any main ideas stick in my head and could easily understand because the video shows the scene about what they are talking about. Reading is very important... It is really important because it gives you lot of information. By reading those handouts which Mr.Coyle gave us, I'd learn many things. Maybe we can do these kinds of activities more in the future!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My goals - If they are achieved

My goals were to improve my writing skills and I would write a short story in my journal when I have time. Also, another goal was do all my best what Mr. Coyle assigns us to do and get a high score. In my opinion, I'm not sure if my writing skill improved. However, I wrote a short story in my journal. I didn't do much, but usually I wrote about what happened on that day. I think I achieved this goal, but I can't guarantee about my writing skills. My another goal, which was to do all my best what Mr. Coyle assigns us to do, I think I achieved this goal. I did my best what Mr. Coyle assigned. Getting a high score, some parts I did, but some parts I didn't. From now on, I should do more hard to get a better grade. My new goals are (from now on), improving my writing skills (stay the same) and study and spend more time on the assignments which Mr. Coyle gives us.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1870’s Stock Market Reflection

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

As it says above, "A fool and his money are soon parted," I was "fool." I didn't spend much money on buying. In Mr. Coyle's investment tip, it says that you must spend money to make money, but I didn't. I didn't spend much money that I didn't earn much money as others did. Not 'much' money, I should say 'alot' of money. If it was real, I would had died. Starve to death! Good thing that it was not real. But I learned one BIG IMPORTANT thing. I must spend money to make money. Money only comes to me when I spend money. It was just a play, but I think it was a good experience. Hope we could do this kind of game again!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Net Effect

Net Effect for the Industrial Revolution

Positive things for the Industrial Revolution are, we are not having difficult time as long time ago. Because of the Industrial Revolution, we could make many products by using machines, and people who works in factory don't have to make everything. While a person makes one thing, machines make more than one. Therefore, if they have more productions, they could have a better trade with others. To have better trade, the transportation should be good. Then, the transportation will also get better. They earn more money and more factories. If it goes on and on like this, the world will get develop.

Negative things for the Industrial Revolution are, there are more pollutions because of the machines. When they use power or steam machines, they use power and water. By then, the air would get polluted. Also, the water would get polluted. They also needs more workers and more money. When they earn money, they use the money to make their factory bigger. Then, they need more workers and spend a lot of money.
