Monday, November 17, 2008

Cartoon Reflection - Africa


1. What are the main visual elements?

2. What issue is this political cartoon about?

3. What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue?

4. What evidence in the cartoon supports your opinion?

5. What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?


1. A foot print on a map of Africa. Maybe the foot print means the European colonizers. The European colonizers are stepping on Africa people.
2. The cartoon is about Africans, controlled by the Europeans. The foot print is the European colonizers and controlling the Africa. And the foot print is big and the Africa map is small. This means that Europe was a strong country and Africa was a weak country.
3. Maybe the cartoonist's opinion is that European colonizers should leave the Africa alone. Because the picture shows that Europe took over the Africa so much that Africa needs some freedom.
4. My opinion is European colonizers should leave the Africa alone. The big foot print on the Africa map supports my opinion. As I said before, Europe took over the Africa so much, so that it is time to leave Africa free.

5. Maybe the author should draw some people, for example, African people on the Africa map (black space) having a sad face, and European colonizers on the big foot print having a happy face.

Image from:


Keshav said...

The wording and the way you displayed this posting was great!

Vivien said...

This piece of entry is important because it shows how Africa was being taken over by force and crushed, basically. I agree with most of Yoon Ah's opinions about this cartoon, however, not all.Some of her ideas maybe true but are not what the cartoonist is trying to show in this particular cartoon.Yoon Ah's entry is well written and clearly shows what her thinking was.
Well done!