Sunday, March 22, 2009

Feedback March 16-20 - Technology?

1. What is technology?
- Application of science, - knowledge to practical purposes. By having technology in this world, people's life got easier.

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2. What are the 5 most and 5 least important technologies used today?
- 5 most important technologies are:

  • Computer
  • TV
  • Printer
  • Refrigerator
  • Washing Machine
- 5 least important technologies are: (in my opinion)
  • Vacuum
  • Rice maker
  • Walkie Talkies
  • PlayStation
  • X Box

3. How do you feel about the amount of and use of technology at AES?
- Sometimes I feel that AES use lot of technology. Computer, light, smart board, printer, etc... However, because of these machines, students can take advantages of it. Such as, some students don't have printers in their house. Then they could come to school and print their homework. Another example is that because of smart board, teachers don't need to print and save papers. They could just show the notes from the smart board, and students could take notes by looking at that. AES use lots of technology; however, I don't think AES is wasting the techonology. Everyone is happy with it and takes advantages of it.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vonnegut and Technology

“Do you know what a Luddite is? That’s a person who doesn’t like newfangled contraptions. Contraptions like nuclear submarines armed with Poseidon missiles that have H-bombs in their warheads, and like computers that cheat you out of becoming. Bill Gates says, “Wait till you can see what your computer can become.” But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer.

I agree with all the statements; however, I especially agree with: ""Wait till you can see what your computer can become." But it's you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work - not the damn fool computer." I agree with this statement because we can live without technology. Computers makes people life easier; means we send emails to people not in letters, research easily, find information easily, essay homework - we could type and print, etc... Also, not only computers; technology involves TV, iPod, mobile phone, mp3, etc... However, if humans depend on technology too much, then the world will become to the end. Humans want easier life; already there are some human-like robots which help people. If these kinds of robots develop and if they are able to think, then they might attack people. It might happen what in the robot movies happen. =D Overall, people should be doing the becoming; not the technology. Therefore, I agree with this statement.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Feedback March 9-13 - End of Quarter 3 Feedback

My three goals were:
- Get a higher grade than last quarter.
- Journal Writing (Everyday).
- Do all the assignments and do my best.

My first goal which was getting a higher grade than last quarter, I didn't achieve with this goal. I got a low grade than last quarter. I noticed that I need to improve with this goal. I think it will remain the same. My second goal which was writing a journal everyday, I almost achieved with this goal. It means that except for few days, I wrote it everyday. When I look at my journal, I feel proud of myself. My last goal was to do all the assignments and do my best on it. I think I achieved with this goal, because I did all the assignments and did my best on each one. I didn't miss any assignments even though I was absent. Even though I was absent, I did all the missing assignments through weekends.

Three goals for next quarter are:
- Get a higher grade than last quarter.
- Do all the assignments and do my best.
- Get a good grade on Population Project (UBD).

As you can see, getting a higher grade than last quarter and doing all the assignments and do my best goals remain the same. However, I changed my third goal journal writing to getting a good grade on Population Project. Population Project is a huge project, therefore, in my opinion, Population Project is more important than journal writing. To get a good grade on Population Project, I'm going to come to school every Saturday and work on Population Project. I'm going to give my full effort on it. Plus, I'm going to promise to myself that for 4rd quarter, I'm going to get a higher grade.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feedback March 2-6

"Holy War." definition of holy is declared sacred by religious or authority and the definition of war is a conflict carried on by force arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare as by land, sea, or air. Basically, the word holy has a positive meaning and the word war has a negative meaning. If we combine these two words together, the definition might be a 'good word.' But all wars aren't good. After the war, everything gets destroyed and many people get injured or killed. Therefore, 'Holy War' is an oxymoron, which two words don't belong used together.
There are many wars based upon religions because there are many religions. For example, India has thousands of religions and people think that their religion is the best and every people should believe in that god. However, that won't work easily. Because of people's personality, the wars have to be happened. Some countries fight each other because of their religion. Having a war based upon religions don't make sense. As you can see, there are several reasons about many wars happening based upon religions.