Monday, March 16, 2009

Feedback March 9-13 - End of Quarter 3 Feedback

My three goals were:
- Get a higher grade than last quarter.
- Journal Writing (Everyday).
- Do all the assignments and do my best.

My first goal which was getting a higher grade than last quarter, I didn't achieve with this goal. I got a low grade than last quarter. I noticed that I need to improve with this goal. I think it will remain the same. My second goal which was writing a journal everyday, I almost achieved with this goal. It means that except for few days, I wrote it everyday. When I look at my journal, I feel proud of myself. My last goal was to do all the assignments and do my best on it. I think I achieved with this goal, because I did all the assignments and did my best on each one. I didn't miss any assignments even though I was absent. Even though I was absent, I did all the missing assignments through weekends.

Three goals for next quarter are:
- Get a higher grade than last quarter.
- Do all the assignments and do my best.
- Get a good grade on Population Project (UBD).

As you can see, getting a higher grade than last quarter and doing all the assignments and do my best goals remain the same. However, I changed my third goal journal writing to getting a good grade on Population Project. Population Project is a huge project, therefore, in my opinion, Population Project is more important than journal writing. To get a good grade on Population Project, I'm going to come to school every Saturday and work on Population Project. I'm going to give my full effort on it. Plus, I'm going to promise to myself that for 4rd quarter, I'm going to get a higher grade.