Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feedback - World War III

I do think World War III will happen in my lifetime. Since, America government is not good, some countries will start the war to get stronger. First of all, there might be a war between South Korean and North Korea. North Korea already moved their ships and South Korea got frighten. I'm not sure if North Korea will attack South Korea, but there is a percentage. Since North Korea is not in a good condition, they want to get stronger and live like other countries do. I'm not sure which country will win, but there will be a lot of negative effects in South Korea and North Korea.

Second of all, there might be a war between India and Pakistan. Today, India and Pakistan's relationship is not so good. Because of the terrorists, there might be a war. I heard that Pakistan wanted a war between India and Pakistan. India is keep refusing it; however, when India stops refusing it, a war will begin between Pakistan and India. If a war starts, then India will face a lot of negative effects. In India, there are many foreigners living. When the war starts, all the foreigners will go back to their own country or at least everyone will go out from India. Then, India cannot work with foreigners which means that they can't earn money that much. Overall, I hope World War III does not start; however, since the economic is bad, there might be a percentage of starting World War III.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WWII Letter

Amberley Stalion, Australia
Jan. 26, 1941

Dear Family,

When you recieve this letter, I'll be already gone on a secret mission. We are leaving tomorrow morning on a secret mission. I hope I could able to bring my ship so I can help in saving the lives of my friends. As you know, the weather is good but we have barely any food here which means that the ration here is low. Don't worry and don't forget that I'm trying to make a success of myself and never give up easily.

You know what? I thought I knew something about airplanes before, but when I came here, I figured out that I didn't know anything about airplanes. My chief has taught me plenty on airplanes and ships. I have my own ship - it's really beautiful. My name is painted on the left side and the color is really nice.

There are things I have seen here that I will never forget as long as I live.I was wounded my right foot, but I'm ok right now. When the Nazi's bomb hit the ground about 20ft away from me, I was scared that I never sweated so much in my life. I was well protected because I was on the boat. I don't want to experience that kind of situation ever again; however, since it is a war, I have to face more similar situations.

Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine and healthy. I will write again soon. I really miss all of you and want to be back at home.

George L. Chapin
Image from:

Anne Frank Reflection

3. In her diary Anne opined: “…if you’re wondering if it’s harder for the adults here than for the children, the answer is no…Older people have an opinion about everything and are sure of themselves and their actions. It’s twice as hard for us young people to hold on to our opinions at a time when ideals are being shattered…” (July 15, 1944.) Do you agree or disagree with this quote? When was the last time that you experienced the “shattering” of an ideal?

As we discussed, I disagree with this quote. Of course, older people have an opinion about everything and are sure of themselves and their actions. Also it's twice as hard for us young people to hold on to our opinions at a time when ideals are being shattered. However, adults have lived longer than us. They have lived outside for a long time, but the children ARE living in the Holocaust. They don't have a chance to live outside for a long time. Therefore, I disagree with that quote.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recipe Poem for World War II

1 cup of a failure of the Treaty of Versailles in a bowl of full of detestation
3 teaspoons of the failure of the League of Nations in a bowl of full of detestation.
Mix them well until it gets smooth.

Add 3 cups of the Rise of Fascism,
1 table spoon of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Mix them well until it gets smooth.

Add 3 cups of German Aggression,
4 cups of Japanses Aggression,
and 2 teaspoons of appeasement.
Mix them well until it gets smooth.

Add 3 teaspoons of ignorance
1 cup of anger together.
Mix them well until it gets smooth.

Mix carefully for 10 minutes.
When the color changes like a chocolate color,
bake for 30 minutes.

You will have a delicious World War II cake.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Critique of Animal Farm (The Movie)

We have read the book and watched the movie. I read the book first, which was really similar to the Russian Revolution. However, the movie was bad. It contains the important ideas, such us the seven commandments and the changes of the seven commandments. The movie cut many scenes from the book. For example, the war of Cowshed immediately happens right after the animals exiled Mr. Jones from the farm. However, in the book, when the animals exiled Mr. Jones from the farm, the war of Cowshed happens little bit later. Also, in the book, Napoleon doesn't die at the end, but in the movie, the animals kill Napoleon and that was the end of the movie. In my opinion, the end of the movie was quit bad. Furthermore, in the movie there were some scenes which were not in the book. For example, when Boxer got hurt, Boxer was being taken to the knackers. The movie characters were kind of cute except Napoleon. By looking at the body structure, I could find which characters are bad and which characters are nice. Overall, I think the book version is better than the movie version.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Which Animal Are You?

Let me start with introducing about Mollie. Mollie is a character which wants to live the good life and selfish. She likes sweet foods such as chocolate, sugar, candy etc... I think I'm closed to Mollie. There are three specific reasons. First of all, Mollie wants to live the good life. I also want to live the good life. I want freedom. Even my sister graduated and went to America, because of my parents' pressure, I don't have freedom that much. Second of all, Mollie loves sweet foods such as chocolate, sugar, candy etc... I really love to eat chocolate. Therefore, when my dad goes to a business trip, he always buy chocolates for me. Also, when I was young, my mom told me that I used to eat sugar hiding under a bed. =) Third of all, Mollie is selfish. I'm not exactly selfish; however, for example, if I think this is correct and other person says it is wrong, I still say mine is correct. I rarely change my opinion unless there is a good reason. Because of this, sometimes I fought with my sister. My sister is also similar to me except she does not like to eat sweet foods. As you can see, I'm closed to Mollie for three reasons: wants freedom, likes to sweet foods, and selfish.