Thursday, April 30, 2009

Net Effect of Globalization

Globalization is the act of making global or worldwise in scope or application. There are some net effects of globalization which divides into positive effects and negative effects. The examples of positive effects would be, firstly, people were able to buy things which were from other countries. Secondly, middle class people is getting richer and richer. Thirdly, there are more foreign jobs such as people in India can get more job opporutnities. Also, lastly, they could upgrade themselves by working with other countries. As you can see, the main point of the positive effects is now, people can work in different countries.
Nevertheless, there are also some negative effects of globalization. Firstly, even though people buy things which are from other countries, they forget or don't know where it comes from. Secondly, middle class people are getting richer and richer; however, low class people are getting poor. Thirdly, since the world became globalize, some countries have different languages, food, etc... It means that there are no more religious countries (except for some countries). Overall, there are positive effects of globalization; however, as usually, when there are positive effects, there are also negative effects.

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Nandini said...

I thought that you had some really good points for the negatives side and the positives side to globalization, but maybe you could have given some specific information for some of them. For example, when you stated that; "There are more foreign jobs such as people in India can get more job opportunities". Maybe you could have related back to the "30 days" video we saw to make your point stronger. However, I liked that you organized your three specific facts for each and it was easy to follow and understand.
Maybe you could have said whether or not you thought the net effect of globalization was negative or positive...
But overall,
Good Job :)