Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injustice and Self-determination

Tyranny means cruel and unfair government in which a person or small group of people have power over everyone else. In a book called The Animal Farm, it connects with the present situation. The animals can talk and read. They were trying to take over the farm. The animals were under pressure of people, therefore, they wanted to be free.

Injustice means the quality or fact of being unjust ; equity. Shortly, it means 'wrong.' As I said before, animals are under pressure of people. People treat animals differently. Animals and people are not equal. People kill animals or use as a 'thing.' Because of that, in the book, the animals get angry and decide to rebel the people. Especially the men. They make rules and decide to take over the farm.

Self determination means determination by oneself or itself, without outside influence. Or it can be freedom to live as one chooses. In the book, animals choose freedom. No pressure from people, no under control from people. Some of the animals act or decide without consulting another or others. They just want 'freedom' and they act or decide.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The soldiers get ready to fight,
With the fear and their powerful heart.
Waiting for the sign, when to start,
Ready to fight,
Ready to die.

The sound of the machine guns,
The sound of the tanks.
The soldiers start to run,
Shooting at their enemies.

Soldiers get shot and die,
Blood everywhere,
Dead bodies everywhere.
One by one, soldiers fall down dead.

The houses get destroyed
People scream and die.
Some people start to run,
Far, far away.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is the military in your future?

In Korea, joining military is required. However, only for mens. Men are required to perform about 2-3 years compulsory military service right after high school. Therfore, the age would be between 20 - 30 year old. If they don't go, then they should pay because they didn't follow the rule. Almost every 5 year, when the president changes, then the military changes 1-2 year or 2-3 year. Until last year, the president changed the military to 1-2 year; however, this year, the new president changed to 2-3 year. In my opinion, men should go to military because when there is a war, then they should know how to fight or defend. Plus, men don't get pregnant, (which is true!) which is a major thing to women. Also, since long year ago, when there was a king in Korea, they gave pressure to women and women's power got weak. It seems that men are showing that men are stronger, therefore, they SHOULD go to military. However, if there is some problem in their family or health (means they can't participate), then they are excused. In Korea, there are some women military; however it is not required. If they want to go, then they could go. Women also should go; however, since when women have babies, it would be difficult. After women have babies, their body get weak. And when baby borns , from that time women take care of him/her. These days some men also take care of their babies. Men's body structure and women's body structure are different. Therefore, there is a difference between men's strength and women's strength. As you can see, men should go to military unless they have problems with their family or health. For women, which is a good thing that it is not required, it should be optional.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Political Cartoon Evaluation

  • What are the main visual elements?
  • What issue is this political cartoon about?
  • What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue?
  • What evidence in the cartoon supports your opinion on how the cartoonist feels?
  • What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?
  • How does this cartoon relate to the Great Powers Game?
The main visual elements are that in the picture, people are holding hands from different countries. One word for this cartoon is 'allies.' The political cartoon is about that one country is holding hands with other countries which mean that they are allies. By holding hands, they could help each other during war. They are 'friends.' The cartoonist opinion might be 'peace.' No wars, no fights, just peace. The evidence is in the picture. Holding hands is the evidence; however, the problem is that one person from the other country is not holding hands. She/he is crying. Maybe the cartoonist wants to show that at least, there is one person or one country who disagrees with something. The cartoonist might have used to make this cartoon more persuasive is by all the people who are holding hands, they could stare at the person who is crying. Which shows more clear that this country disagreed with something. This cartoon relate to the Great Powers Game a lot. We each got a country and we tried to hold hands with other countries, not to have wars or fights. 'Allies,' is the word for this situation. However, at the end, all the countries had at least one war.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Great Powers Debrief

1. Which country were you? How did it feel to build your empire? Which countries had the advantage at the start of the game? Why? How did you empire compare to other empires?
- My country was France and relationship between France and German was not so good. However, me and my partner signed every country (of course they signed on our paper too), to not attack us nor attack them. Two countries had the advantage at the start of the game. Great Britian and U.S.A.

2. In the long run was it more important to buy armies, navies, industries or colonies? Why?
- In the long run, armies were more important than others. The reason is that we don't know which country will attack us. To be save, we should have lot of armies. Industries and colonies are also important; however, it is not good to have lot of industries and colonies and low armies. If some other country attacks us and we lose, then we lose all the industries and colonies at once. Therefore, army is more important than industries, colonies, and navies.

3. What did you do well? What would you have done differently?
- At first, we went well, and then when suddenly Germany attacked us, we lost everything (except one industry). We had lot of industries and colonies because we thought that other countries won't attack us. However, when Germany attacked us and left over with one industry, me and my partner noticed that we should have lot of armies. Therefore, we increased our armies.

4. How successful were your alliances? Did they help or hurt you? Could they be trusted?
- Our alliances weren't very successful. When we lost against Germany and lost everything and tried to recover, U.S.A. suddenly attacked us. However, Italy helped us and we won. Could they be trusted? Definitely not. First, everyone was friendly. And then, some country attack against other countries which were their side.

5. What are three specific things you learned about conflict from this simulation?
- First, I learned that we should not trust anyone. Second, to be save, we should increase our armies. Third, we should talk with other countries to make them not attack us.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Quarter 3 Goals

For this quarter, my three goals were get a higher grade than this quarter, do all the assignments and do my best, and keep continuing writing a short story everyday. I'm not sure if I achieved on my first goal, because I got the same grade as last quarter. Maybe I should give more effort to improve my grade. In my opinion, I achieved doing all the assignments and did my best. For writing a short story everyday, I missed some days and didn't write a short story. Maybe I should need to give more effort on this goal next time. However, rather than writing a short story everyday, I would change to a journal writing.

For next quarter, my three goals are,
- Get a higher grade than last quarter.
- Journal Writing (Everyday).
- Do all the assignments and do my best.