Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injustice and Self-determination

Tyranny means cruel and unfair government in which a person or small group of people have power over everyone else. In a book called The Animal Farm, it connects with the present situation. The animals can talk and read. They were trying to take over the farm. The animals were under pressure of people, therefore, they wanted to be free.

Injustice means the quality or fact of being unjust ; equity. Shortly, it means 'wrong.' As I said before, animals are under pressure of people. People treat animals differently. Animals and people are not equal. People kill animals or use as a 'thing.' Because of that, in the book, the animals get angry and decide to rebel the people. Especially the men. They make rules and decide to take over the farm.

Self determination means determination by oneself or itself, without outside influence. Or it can be freedom to live as one chooses. In the book, animals choose freedom. No pressure from people, no under control from people. Some of the animals act or decide without consulting another or others. They just want 'freedom' and they act or decide.